OFFICERS Bob Rhodes - Commander
Teresa Spruill- 1st Vice Commander
Bob Hafer - 2nd Vice Commander
Lynn Spaulding - Chaplain
Roger Walker - Judge Advocate
M. Carroll Gatling - Adjutant
Steve Hose - Finance Officer
Guy Greene - Sgt. at Arms
Jerry Weddle - Historian
SAL OFFICERS Matt Smith - Commander
Lou Guerrero - 1st Vice Commander
- 2nd Vice Commander
Robert May - Adjutant
Jason Miller - Finance Officer
Robert Nigh - Sgt. at Arms
John Shriver - Chaplain
Tonya Rowe - President
Mindy Rhodes - 1st Vice President
Karen Beard - Secretary
Chris Smith - Treasurer
Chaplain - Lisa Walker
Barb Brown - Sgt. at Arms
Debbie Kline - Historian
POST CHAPLAIN A veteran- whether active duty, retired, National Guard or reserve- is someone who- at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to: “The United States of America”......for an amount of “up to and including their life”. Lynn Spaulding